NYS Senate Endorses Russian April

A delegation of the 50 member “Coalition in Support of Russian American History Month,” lead by chairman Dr. Olga Zatsepina, traveled to Albany, capitol of New York State, on Tuesday March 5, 2013, to witness the  submission of a Senate resolution of great importance to the Russian American community. Directing himself to the broad smiles … Читать далее

The 3rd Russian-American History Month in NYS

For the third year in a row, New Yorkers celebrated Russian-American History Month! Numerous events took place in New York City to commemorate “Russian April” and honored the contributions of Russians and Russian Americans to the fields of art, literature, music, and much more!

The 3rd Russian-American History Month in NYS

Read the History Month Publication

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2014 The 8th Children’s Festival of Russian Culture

May 17, 2014 NYU Skirball Performance Center RACH-C held its 8th annual “Children’s Festival of Russian Culture” at the NYU Performing Arts Center (Skirball Hall.) As usual there were exceptionally talented Children’s Russian Folk Ensembles from as far as Canada and Virginia joining local NY metro area groups in providing a taste of centuries old … Читать далее

Yolka 2013 December 14

December 14, 2013 Davis Hall of International House, Columbia University is a dramatic venue bursting with beauty and tradition. It was also bursting with joy and laughter as 300 plus children and parents filled the room with waves of merriment at the RACH-C YOLKA Celebration hosted for the 8th year with the Consulate General of … Читать далее

Russian Diaspora & Cultural Diplomacy Conference

November 15, 2013 New York City RACH-C celebrated ten years of service to the Russian community with The Russian Diaspora and Cultural Diplomacy Conference at New York University The Russian Diaspora is a significant immigrant constituency in America. This conference examined its history, its present reality, and its future potential. It considered applicable experiences and … Читать далее

Celebration of International Women’s Day

“14 марта с.г. в Генконсульстве России в Нью-Йорке состоялся прием по случаю празднования Международного женского дня, организованный генконсульством совместно с Обществом иностранных консулов в Нью-Йорке, объединяющим 110 консульских учреждений. Гостей поздравили генконсул России И.Л.Голубовский, президент Общества иностранных консулов, генконсул Барбадоса Леннокс Прайс и директор отделения госдепартамента США в Нью-Йорке Томас Галло. За личный вклад и … Читать далее

Russian Opera Mini Festival

November 18, 2012  Presented by a consortium of three Long Island public libraries, and the Town of Oyster Bay Distinguished Artists Series, and in association with the RACH-C. Dr. Olga Zatsepina was on hand to offer some opening & closing remarks at a performance during the Russian Opera Mini-Festival held on Long Island. The festival … Читать далее

“Russians in the USA” presentation in Moscow

September 26, 2012 Dr. Olga Zatsepina and Dr. Alexander Ruchkin gave a presentation on their co-authored book, Russians in the USA, to an audience at the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Russia Abroad House in Moscow. They were joined by Russian officials to discuss the Russian Diaspora in the USA for the first Russian-American History Month April 2012 … Читать далее