2017 The 11th International Children’s Festival of Russian Cultures

“RACH-C CHILDRENS FESTIVAL” 2017 COMING TO SYMPHONY SPACE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 18, 2017 Musical traditions of the various nations and cultures that comprise the Russian Federation are preserved and nurtured in the hearts of compatriots and lovingly passed to their children who conserve and ad contemporary interpretations to them. The Leonard Nemoy Thalia theater will be … Читать далее

Yolka 2019 -NOTICE

Dear Friends, We wish you all the best New Year in 2020! RACH-C has produced Yolka Events for 16 years at venues like the Embassy of the Russian Federation in DC, the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in NY, International House at Columbia University, and Pushkin Hall in NYC. This year, however, we will … Читать далее

Yolka 2018 DECEMBER 15

The Consulate General of the Russian Federation in New York & The Russian American Cultural Heritage Center Saturday, December 15, 2018 12.00-14.00 Organized by the Russian American Cultural Heritage Center, Inc.  (RACH-C), celebrating its 15th year of service, the event  featured  the “Golden Rooster”  Ensemble, directed by Irina Zagornova on its 25th anniversary. Four generations … Читать далее

YOLKA 2017 December 17

ANNOUNCING: RACH-C YOLKA CELEBRATION DECEMBER 17, 2017 at the CONSULATE GENERAL of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION Our YOLKA celebrations at the Consulate General of the Russian Federation have become very popular over the last 12 years, and attendance is limited. Over time, we developed what we hope is an efficient, fair approach to invitations: Families who … Читать далее

Международный конкурс детского рисунка “Дорога в Космос”, посвященный 55-летию полета Ю. Гагарина под эгидой КСОРС

В рамках празднования Месяца русско-американской истории в Нью-Йорке 2016 г. Русско-американский культурный центр «Наследие» (РАКСИ) провел международный конкурс на лучший детский рисунок, посвященный 55-летию полета Юрия Гагарина в космос. В конкурсе приняли участие 111 детей в возрасте с 6 до 15 лет. Участниками конкурса стали работы из городов США: Нью-Йорк, Стэнфорд, Бруклин, Карлсбад, Детройт и … Читать далее

Русские в США. Общественные организации русской эмиграции в ХХ-ХХI вв.

Книга РАКСИ: О.С.Зацепина, А.Б.Ручкин “Русские в США. Общественные организации русской эмиграции в ХХ-ХХI вв.” опубликована и доступна в эл. библиотеке Всемирного координационного Совета: ВКСРС: Русские в США RACH-C’s publication: Russians in USA: Organizations of Russian Emigration in ХХ-ХХI centuries. Ruchkin A.B., Zatsepina O.S. has been published electronically by the World Coordinative Council ( VKS).It is … Читать далее

Test on Russian American’s History

During the 6th Russian American History Month in NYS (April 2017) RACH-C and GRINT Center in Moscow developed a test on the history of Russian Americans in the US. You can test yourself here: Test – Russian American History Month You can find the correct answers here – Correct answers В рамках Месяца русско-американской истории … Читать далее

Yolka 2016 December 17

On December 17, 2016 the doors to the Russian Consulate General in New York were opened to embrace children, their parents and grandparents at the traditional RACH-C Children’s Christmas Tree celebration presented for the 11th year at the Russian Consulate General in NYC.  The tree looked beautiful but the prettiest decorations were the faces of so many … Читать далее

2016 The 10th Children’s Festival of Russian Culture

Over the past decade, The RACH-C Children’s Festival of Russian Culture has creatively evolved. It started in Fort Tryon Park with children’s folk ensembles on a movable stage, and tents, Russian foods, field games and more. Children’s Folk Ensembles came from the New York area, other states and Russian republics. Eventually we moved them inside … Читать далее