Meet WWII veterans

May 3 @ 7PM
St. Nicholas Cathedral

Meeting with participants of the war is a unique opportunity to learn about a great victory with those who have personally experienced this war.

Russian Story Time

May 7 @ 10:30 am
Battery Park City Public Library

Introduce children ages 0-5 years to Russian language through stories, songs, and music. Presented by Olga Petakov and Olga Randolph. (More)

Immortal Regiment rally

May 7 @ 2 PM
New York

The Immortal Regiment is an international public rally, held annually since 2012 to commemorate the veterans of the greatest global catastrophe in the history of mankind – World War II. (More)

History Tour of the St. Nicholas Cathedral

May 10
St. Nicholas Cathedral

Fr. Alexander Golubov, former Academic Dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania , gives a tour on the buildings history and architectural innovations. «More»

Russian Nobility Ball 2016

May 13
The Hotel Pierre, New York

The Russian Nobility Association in America will celebrate its thirty-seventh annual Spring ball and its eighty-third year in 2016. «More»

YOLKA 2015 December 19

In Russia, the YOLKA (the Christmas tree) is associated with the New year, with Ded Moroz (a Russian Santa Claus) candies, gifts, songs, tales, and the joyful happiness that only children can fully feel. As adults, those happy memories inspire them to share the tradition with their own children and grandchildren no matter where they … Read more

We Congratulate Veterans of WWII

О НАГРАЖДЕНИИ ВЕТЕРАНОВ В НЬЮ-ЙОРКЕ 15 апреля 2015 г. для удобства ветеранов, проживающих в отдаленном районе городской агломерации Фаракавэй, Генконсульство России в Нью-Йорке организовало их выездное награждение юбилейной медалью «70 лет Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг.». Церемония состоялась в одном из культурных центров района и сопровождалась выставкой фронтовых фотографий и праздничным концертом. 17 … Read more

2015 The 9th Children’s Festival of Russian Culture

April 18, 2015 This years children’s festival was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory Day and was held at the Consulate General of Russia in New York City. Veterans and their families where delighted by performances of Russian songs and dances  by children’s folk ensembles the Golden Rooster (New York), Matroshki (Washington, D.C.) Krasnaya … Read more

A Concert of Russian Music

February 5, 2010 Harbor Conservatory for the Performing Arts 1 East 104th Street, 3 Floor Maxim Anikushkin – Piano, Alexander Zak-Narration Prokofiev (1891-1953) From Fleeting Visions # 5,6,8,10,16,18 Peter and the Wolf Op. 67 for piano and narrator Y. Merkulyeva (1956- ) Mirage for Piano Solo (1991) Intermission Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) From Seasons, Op. 37 bis … Read more