CONTACT: INFO@RACH-C.ORG, 212-567-5834
The Russian American Cultural Heritage Center is a charitable and educational 501 C 3 not-for-profit organization, dedicated to collecting, preserving, and disseminating the best traditions, the history, the culture, and the heritage of people from Russia and Russian speaking countries.
RACH-C recognizes that the ultimate recipients of its efforts are children for whom this preserved heritage will enrich the present and inform the future.
RACH-C utilizes varied means to accomplish its Mission: Performing, Literary and Visual Arts; Salons, Seminars, and Forums; Workshops; Publications; “Children’s Festivals,” Post Adoption and related services and events.
Officers and Directors

Olga Sergeevna Zatsepina, Ph.D, President/CEO & Co-founder: University Associate Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, College of Foreign Languages. Member, Board of Directors of International Council of Russian Compatriots. Main representative of MSRS to the DPI at the UN

Julio Rodriguez, MA, Secretary / Treasurer & Co-founder: President, The Puerto Rican Heritage Foundation, Adjunct Professor, Lehman College, CUNY.

Donald L. Marx, MS. Chair: President, The Marx Group, JF Kennedy Center Circle Member, Washington DC., Colonel, US Air Force – Retired; President, Rotary Club- Washington DC.

Alexander Borisovich Ruchkin, Ph.D,Member: Director, Russian Language & Area Studies Center of Education, Moscow

Nikita Galaktionov: Music Director
Honorary Board of Directors
Igor Igorevich Sikorsky, Esq.
Georgiy Alexandrovich Cheremeteff, Business
Nikolai Vladimirovich Sluchevsky, President of Stolipin Foundation
Board of Advisers
Olga Filurskaya; Business, NYC
Natalia Kasiyanova; Russian School of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN, NYC
Alexey Osipov; Komsomolskaya Pravda, US Correspondent
Tamara Pozdnyakova; Cultural & Educational Affairs officer, American Russian Aid Association (OTRADA)
Grateful for the support and saddened by the passing of these esteemed associates who lifted our vision and touched our hearts
Маяковская Елена Владимировна (1926 – 2016)
Дочь Владимира Маяковского, профессор Городского университета Нью-Йорка
Почетный член Совета директоров РАКСИ (2006 – 2016)
Mayakovskaya Elena (aka) Thompson, Patricia (1926-2016)
The daughter of Vladimir Mayakovsky
Honorary member of RACH-C Board of Directors (2006-2016)
Гиацинтов Кирилл Эрастович (1930 – 2017)
Президент Русского Дворянства в Америке
Почетный член Совета Директоров РАКСИ (2005 – 2017)
Geatsintov Cyril (1930 – 2017)
President of the Russian Nobility Association in America
Member of RACH-C Board of Directors (2005 – 2017)
Копелев Марк (1944 – 2018)
Фотохудожник и писатель
Со-основатель РАКСИ в 2003 г
Член Совета директоров РАКСИ (2002 – 2010)
Kopelev Mark (1944- 2018)
Photographer, writer
Member of the Board of Directors of RACH-C and CO-Founder (2002 – 2010)
Князь Голицын Владимир Кириллович (1942 – 2018)
Президент Русского Дворянства в Америке
Почетный член Совета Директоров РАКСИ (2005 – 2018)
Prince Galitsin, Vladimir (1942 – 2018)
President of the Russian Nobility Association in America
Honorary member of RACH-C Board of Directors (2005 – 2018)
Сандулов Юрий Аскольдович (1953 – 2020)
Историк, издатель
Вице-приезидент РАКСИ ( 2004 – 2008)
Sandulov Yuri (1953 – 2020)
Historian, Publisher
Vice-President of RACH-C (2004 – 2008)
Сикорский Николай Игоревич (1926 – 2021)
Сын Игоря Игоревича Сикорского, музыкант
Почетный член Совета директоров РАКСИ (2012 – 2021)
Sikorsky, Nikolai (1926 -2021)
Son of Igor Igorevitch Sikorsky
Honorary member of RACH-C Board of Directors (2012 – 2021)
Графиня Бобринская Татьяна Николаевна (1923 – 2022)
Почетный член Совета Директоров РАКСИ (2005 – 2022)
Countess Bobrinskoy, Tatiana (1923 – 2022)
Honorary member of RACH-C Board of Directors (2005 – 2022)
RACH-C Friends and Supporters
Russian-Americans, non-Russian Americans, and others who express an interest in the Russian-American experience and support the goals of RACH-C in some way are the foundation of our organization.
We deeply appreciate the support of volunteers who provide skills, resources, and money to advance our projects.
We expect that our efforts will continue to be enhanced and multiplied by these incredible, generous volunteers who have become interested and committed to the work of the organization.